I know I blew Ps. Rick Fourie's horn in the last post but let me say again how heroic his departure from the 'normal youth ministry' is as he follows his churches identity and mandate. With this bold move... you've guessed it... our old friend criticism is a sure partner for the trip.
So how do we cope with the flack? I am going to share 4 points that I recently read in Ps Craig Groeschel's book, 'Confessions of a Pastor'. (Its a fantastic read that I highly recomend by the way!)
When some criticises you the very first thing is to consider is the 'source'. Is it someone who loves you and is involved in 'the game' or is it someone who is just looking for a place to gripe? Is this person seeking your best? If the source is good then we would be wise to listen to what they say (no matter how humbling it may be).
Proverbs 15:31 - 32 (NLT) says: 31 If you listen to constructive criticism,
you will be at home among the wise.
32 If you reject discipline, you only harm yourself;
but if you listen to correction, you grow in understanding.
Secondly, if the person is voicing something because of a dislike for you (or the idea)... sometimnes its good to answer the criticism and set the facts straight.
If you believe that giving a response can help the critic understasnd your position... then go for it and share your side of the story.
However, some people will just always be negative no matter what. This criticism needs to be dismissed. (remember that hurt people hurt people - that their criticisms probably reveal what their internal struggles are). These people usually dislike themselves and critize others in a misguided attempt to validate themselves.
Lastly, if your critics are just in your face... and you've tried listening and dismissing what they have to say but they're just all in your face... then its time to endure! Endurance is critical if you want to succeed spectaularly at anything that God sets before you.
So we need to: Listen, Answer, Dismiss and hardest of all... Endure.
Above all else, never forget: You can't please all people, but you can please God.
I trust that this has been useful.
I'd love to read your comments on this subject.
Godspeed & Kaizan