Like most people in the western world... one of the most common plights that we all share is 'too much to do and too little time to do it in'. Ministry is no exception. I often feel like I could work all day and night and still not get through my to-do lists.
If we are going to maintain our sanity and our devotional lives we need to accept that we just can't get to it all.
At the same time that is no cop-out for not being able to achieve great results. After all... we are serving the King of Kings in our great work!
So how do we achieve this?
I have always marveled at the thought that Joe Blogs and the president of the United States all have the same 24 hours. What they accomplish in that 24 hours is significantly different though!
I have found a self management system that has been truly helpful and that is truly different from the usual time management systems out there. (I have never found the prioritizing system to work for me... its not fluid enough for the array of interruptions that I face).
Its called 'Getting Things Done' by David Allen. Click HERE to check out the web site.
I own the book and CD set if you're interested in checking it out, but I highly recommend getting your own copies so you can share it around your team.
On a different subject, check out this podcast by Rick Warren on 'Creating a Culture of Innovation'. I've listened to it about 5x now... its a boomer! Click HERE to check it out.
Lastly, don't forget that next week we are meeting up at Gateway Christian Centre on friday the 7th November from 2-4pm. Our guest speaker is Ps Jordan Smith - Youth pastor and Bible college principal at Equippers church in Auckland.
We'd love to have you there!
Godspeed & Kaizan
I've Moved
I have moved my blog over to wordpress... check me out HERE.
15 years ago